About Scenechangers
Seenaryo is rolling out our Scenechangers programme across Lebanon and Jordan. Over four years, we will train and employ 128 Scenechangers (aged 18-30) to lead participatory theatre workshops, exploring social and civic issues, including:
- Introduction to the course
- Taking Part
- Respecting Diversity
- Bullying
- Digital Safety & Cyberbullying
- Positive & Negative Peer Pressure
- Conflict Resolution
- Resilience
- National Culture & Heritage
- Exploring Mesopotamia
The Scenechangers will be embedded in community-based organisations to deliver the workshops to 12-15 year olds. We will also train schoolteachers to deliver these workshops, embedding theatre into the heart of the school day and exposing over 20,000 young youth to theatre for the first time.
The project's three key objectives are:
Youth (aged 18-30) are professionally skilled and employed and empowered as agents of change.
Younger youth (aged 12-15) are more engaged in learning and able to develop 21st Century life skills.
Participatory arts are embedded more widely in education provision.